From market-timing to fundamental value investing
Many ways to achieve growth
A very large number of investment managers in Poland and around the world try to "beat the market" - have returns that are better than the return of a market index. This is called active investment management; as opposed to passive management, which only tries to replicate the market as closely as possible. At Intercapital Markets we are active managers. With our Target Growth Portfolios we try to deliver returns that are higher than the respective market. Furthermore, for most of our Growth Portfolios we aim at achieving higher returns on an absolute basis, which means without adjusting for risk.
Active fund managers use many different approaches to achieve higher returns. We are humble enough to know that there is no such a thing as a strategy that works all the time. This is why we offer our clients a great variety of choice. The different strategies used in the various portfolios try to benefit from the strengths and experience of our portfolios managers.
- Market Timing - Our Poland Market Timing Portfolio looks to achieve higher absolute returns by timing correctly investments in individual stocks.
- Fundamental Growth Stories - Our Portfolio of Polish and global fast growing companies aims at economies, sectors and companies, whose growth is expected to be higher than the average of the world economy. The Portfolio is invested in stocks of these companies with the expectation that the stock prices will reflect the fundamental values over the medium term.
Full list of Target Growth Portfolios
Please see below the full list of the Target Growth Portfolios we currently offer. Please read the Investment Policy Statements and other details about each Portfolio.
- Market Timing
- Polish and Global Growth companies